Introduction to Neuroimaging
Readings: None
Lab: Introduction to Jupyterhub
Measurement and Signal
Readings: Huettel, ch 7
Lab: Introduction to Python
Introduction to Pandas
Image Processing
Readings: Poldrack ch 1,2
Introduction to Plotting
Lab: Signal vs Noise with ICA
Signal Processing
Readings: Cohen ch 10, 11
Lab: Introduction to Neuroimaging Data
Lab: Signal Processing Basics
Data Preprocessing
Readings: Poldrack ch 3,4
Lab: Preprocssing
General Linear Model
Readings: Poldrack ch 5
Lab: Introduction to the General Linear Model
Lab: Modeling Single Subject Data
Group Analysis
Readings: Poldrack ch 6
Lab: Group Analysis
Multiple Comparisons
Readings: Poldrack ch 7
Lab: Thresholding Group Analyses
Readings: Poldrack ch 8
Lab: Connectivity
Readings: Poldrack ch 9
Lab: Multivariate Prediction
Representational Similarity Analysis
Readings: Haxby et al., 2014; Kriegeskorte et al., 2008
Lab: Representational Similarity Analysis
Intersubject Synchrony
Readings: Hasson et al., 2011; Nummenmaa et al, 2018
Lab: Intersubject Correlation